Saturday, January 17, 2009

Welcome to Macintosh, 2008

Welcome to Macintosh is a documentary about the history of Apple Computers and how they have transformed the world.

Welcome to Macintosh (2008)

Content-wise this is a 3-star film, but the soundtrack is so painful that I am taking away a star because of it.

I am taking away another star because this film really could have been edited in a more interesting way. While the run-time is under an hour and a half, it feels much longer. For example, each time they introduce a new person in the film the screen goes white and their name appears in the "lower-third" for a few seconds. I realize that this is a bit of a play on Apple's style of commercials, but it is dead air and I would prefer to see this info while also hearing what the person has to say. Also, while it is the nature of documentaries to have "talking heads," I believe that filmmakers Robert Baca and Josh Rizzo could have done more to make this film feel active.

Melody's Stars: *

Rating System:
*****=Worth Buying
****=Worth Seeing in Theaters
***=Worth Renting
**=Worth Watching on TV
*=Worth Watching if also cleaning house or doing paperwork
0=Total waste of time
Fail=So bad it doesn't even make the rating system

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