Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Day After Tomorrow, 2004

When the Vice President (Kenneth Welsh) refuses to listen to scientist Jack Hall (Dennis Quaid), the USA is unprepared for a huge global disaster courtesy of Mother Nature.

If you can get past things like cell phones still working when half of New York is underwater, huge ships sailing past the New York Library, and why if scientist Dad is smart enough to tell his son (Jake Gyllenhaal) to stay indoors from the cold he thinks he will survive a snow-shoe trek from D.C. to Manhattan, this movie isn't half-bad. It does contain a typical-Hollywood cringe-worthy ending though.

The Day After Tomorrow (2004)

Wanting to be sure that no one confused him with the bad guy VP who wasn't friends with the scientist, former VP Al Gore produced a movie based on this film two years later. I guess Gore didn't realize that The Day After Tomorrow is a fictional film?

Melody's Stars: ***

Rating System:
*****=Worth Buying
****=Worth Seeing in Theaters
***=Worth Renting
**=Worth Watching on TV
*=Worth Watching if also cleaning house or doing paperwork
0=Total waste of time
Fail=So bad it doesn't even make the rating system

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