Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, 2008

Based on F. Scott Fitzgerald's 1921 short story, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button is anything but short. Almost three hours long, it follows the life of Benjamin (Brad Pitt) who was born old and died young. Along the way he falls in love with a girl named Daisy (Cate Blanchett). While most of the time their love seems creepy, for a few years in their 40s their outward ages "meet in the middle."

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (2008)

The makeup, visual effects, special effects and art direction were all quite good.
Directed by David Fincher.
The screenplay by Eric Roth, who is probably best known for his Oscar winning screenplay Forrest Gump.

When you have a formula that works, why mess with it?

Melody's Stars: * * *

Rating System:
*****=Worth Buying
****=Worth Seeing in Theaters
***=Worth Renting
**=Worth Watching on TV
*=Worth Watching if also cleaning house or doing paperwork
0=Total waste of time
Fail=So bad it doesn't even make the rating system

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